Katia Ouahes

Front-End Developer

About Me

About Me

Front-End Developer

Front-End developer with experience in using React, TypeScript and CSS Frameworks to successfully deliver features. I also have extensive experience in writing both integration and End to End tests in order to automate software testing. I am passionate about understanding business requirements and transforming markups into fully functional features.

My Skills

My Skills

Here are the technologies I work with on day to day basis.

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Able to go from a mark-up design to building a website using semantic HTML and CSS, while following the latest industry standards.

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Able to write JavaScript without using Frameworks, in order to add behaviour to websites, add user events and modify the DOM. Able to retrieve data from APIs in order to display content dynamically.

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Able to use TypeScript to leverage static typing and advanced features, empowering the development of scalable and maintainable applications while enhancing productivity and code quality.

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React JS

Able to build modern component-based applications using React, React Hooks, React Router, Context API and Redux Toolkit. Have experience using Styled Components and CSS Frameworks to handle styling.

My Portfolio

My Portfolio

  • All
  • Websites
  • React Web Apps

Portfolio Website

Website built with HTML, CSS / Sass and Vanilla JavaScript

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Sustainable Fashion Store

Ecommerce Store built with React JS

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Yoga Retreat Website

Website built with HTML and CSS / Sass.

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Portfolio Website

Portfolio Website built with HTML, CSS / Sass and React

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Contact Me

Contact Me

Reach out to me if you have any questions or would like to discuss a potential project.